Carnations Tinted Green
tinted green carnations are a unique and vibrant addition to any floral arrangement, perfect for special occasions or as a fresh twist on traditional bouquets. These eye-catching blooms, expertly dyed to enhance their natural beauty, symbolize growth and renewal, making them an excellent choice for celebrations such as St. Patrick's Day, anniversaries, or weddings. Their rich, green hues can effortlessly complement a variety of floral designs, adding an unexpected pop of color that will surely captivate anyone who receives them.
FedEx Delay Advisory
Please be aware that due to constant Fedex delays. Friday delivery IS NOT ADVISED. If there is a FedEx delay on a Friday delivery, you would not receive the product until Monday.
Substitution Policy
We do our very best to fill your order exactly, but, occasionally, Mother Nature does not cooperate. If we need to sub a different variety, we will contact you first.